When the news spreads about Juliet being dead, Romeo is shocked, he goes to the apothecary for poison because he doesn't wish to live without his one and only. Friar john tells Friar lawrence that the letter could not be delivered that explained what had happened with Juliet. From their everything was going wrong. Paris is at the building which inside juliet layed. Romeo killed paris in his anger and then walked in and lay with Juliet. Romeo then cried and drank the poison and died. Juliets fake death potion wore off and she woke to find romeo dead beside her. She kisses him and then stabs herself and dies. This is a very tragic ending, but atleast they will both live together in heaven.
In act 4, Juliet is forced to speak with Paris, and she later talks to Friar lawrence about killing herself. Friar gives her a fake death potion which would make her seem dead, and then later she and Romeo could run off and live happily ever after. Juliet gets prepared for the wedding. Juliet sleeps alone that night when she drinks the potion, the next morning everyone thinks shes dead. 
Benvolio and mecrutio await Romeo. Tybalt arrives and is angry about Romeo being at the capulets party. Romeo explains he has nothing against the capulets. in the midst of everything, mecrutio tells Tybalt to raise his sword and they fight until Tybalt kills mecrutio. In all the pain and anger Romeo kills Tybalt. Later Friar lawrence tells Romeo that he is banned from verona and he's lucky it wasn't worse. Juliets father sets up Paris with her to be married. Romeo is with Juliet in the bedroom as the nurse comes in, who understands their true love and tells romeo to leave because juliets mother was coming. Romeo leaves from the balcony, as juliets mother comes in and tells her that they set up the wedding between her and paris. Juliet tells her no and her mother rages as well as her father, and they tell her to be prepared for the wedding. 
In act 2, Romeo goes back to Juliets house late night, avoiding the guards, and they flirt and Romeo tells her he wants to marry her. So they decide to get engaged. Romeo leaves before the day light not to get caught. Friar lawrence is now introduced and he is a medicine maker also a father. Romeo asks his to conduct the engagement. Friar lawrence is in shock as he thought that Romeo was with Rosaline. He agrees to do it
Romeo and Juliet, one of the finest book written by the great shakespeare. The book starts of with the 2 houses which are the montagues and the capulets. Both these houses hate each other and fight one another. In the beginning the 2 houses got in a fight and were talking about drawing their weapons. But the prince broke that up. Later romeo goes with the Montagues to the Capulet party disguised. Their romeo sees juliet and immediately feels something like never before. It was love at first sight. Romeo couldnt get her of his mind.The only problem for them was they were from the different houses and if they were to be together a big brawl would break out. Juliet only loved Romeo but was being forced by her father to marry paris. This is how the story is to unfold


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    June 2012

